v2.8 [Jan 18, 2013]
- Embroidery Drive Writing Wizard - quickly write to USB embroidery drives, Bernina drives, compact flash drives and even external hard drives.
- Artista Support - display and convert from artista v4, 5 and 6.
- Advanced search tool - displays search results in a results catalog.
- List Report - to print a complete folder tree and their contents even with a file filter activated.
- Full Windows Context Menu - right click on a file name to open a full Windows Context menu with options such as open with, send to.
- Catalog Mode - Catalog mode now allows you to include multiple or non-contiguous folders or designs to create the exact catalog you need!
v2.5 [Sep 10, 2010]
-No separate Catalog to maintain. Works directly on the files on your computer.
-View thumbnails and preview multiple designs with instant realistic 3-D threads